Sun, Sep 17, 23.

The Value of a Soul

  1. The resurrection is extremely valuable
    1. The value of a soul is too costly, and no payment is ever enough [Psa 49:8].
    2. Jesus says a soul is more costly than the entire world [Mat 16:26].
    3. This means the resurrection for each soul is more valuable than the entire earth.
    4. Each resurrected saint is worth more than the entire earth.
    5. The redemption is giving new glorious bodies.
    6. Power-wise, the resurrected body of each saint is more powerful than this entire world [Eph 1:17-20].
  2. Since God gives each saint power greater than the earth at the resurrection, then:
    1. The least among us has power over the earth
    2. Why would one have the power to create things if he is not to create?
    3. Is the power to create just for bringing us back to life? Is there not more?
    4. God did not just make Esther queen because He wanted the king to have a new wife, but because He wanted to save Israel. In the same way, God gives us the resurrection – with the power that accompanies it, the power greater than the world – for a purpose beyond the resurrection; a purpose beyond this world.
    5. God gives us creation power (seeing as our bodies are more powerful than the earth), perhaps because He needs us to use creation power.
  3. God said Abraham’s seed would be as countable as the stars of heaven. Meaning, not just that they would be innumerable, but also that they will shine like the stars – as Daniel’s prophecy confirms [Gen 15:5; Dan 12:2-3].